Our Philosophy & Concepts

There are four major components to soccer: psychosocial, physical, tactical and technical. Each of these components are important and when honed can create beautiful game play. We plan to train/teach each individual player to control and use their emotions and the emotions of their opponent to their advantage. Our emotions can affect us positively or negatively and if coached to hone and accept them we can use those emotions to drive or push us to levels we didn’t even know we could reach. Things like learning how to communicate to one another, respect each other and self control can carry a player and team a long way. Helping the players build strength and endurance can be a very big advantage to the team and to their teammates. We want each of our players to train and reach a physical peak that propels them to new heights. Using your wits is another portion of the game that not only will help your team in a big way, but it can prove as a learning and teaching tool for both coaches and players. We want to provide our players with the knowledge to be creative, take chances, but to do so in a way that is beneficial to themselves and the team. Have a plan, adapt, control the situation and execute, these are things that can help change any game. Being skilled is just a small portion of being technical. We want to teach players skills that will benefit them at each position they play so they can thrive and grow to be the best version of themselves they can be. When playing a match it will be great to put all of these components together because it will show players and parents the growth their child has had throughout training.
Having a system, strategies, formations and tactics are vital to the growth of the player, coach and organization as a whole. The right system can provide players with what role they play and give them confidence to perform their role well. A good strategy can separate a team from their opponent and dictate the win or loss of a game. The formation of a team can show strengths and weaknesses depending of the players roles or system in place. Having a good number of formations that cater to players is important in the growth of a player. Also, having the right tactics is important because to us, this is what brings it all together and promotes the growth of each individual player. Each coach must have a good understanding of attacking and defending. Making sure players understand how to create space, show support, overlapping, getting wide, counter attacking, possession, playing from the back, switching play, etc. Also making sure players understand how to mark, press, cover, staying compact, recovering, etc. (All coaches have received guidelines to refer back to).”

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A1 Since Day1 Curriculum

These are the key elements that will define our style of play. This is to be used by all coaches as a basis for what we expect, but we want all coaches to be creative and understand that it is your individuality, tactics and strategies that makes you special. These traits will help with the development of our athletes and the growth of footballers in our program.

A1 Since Day1 FC Team Shop

Support our teams and players!  Grab some merch from our team shop by clicking the link above! 

A1 Since Day1 Prices & What's Included:

A1 Since Day1 FC is a part of A1 Since Day1 Multi-Sports Complex & Training Facility LLC and The Carmen Celina Afterschool Program 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. We are committed to providing high value to the investment in your child’s development while keeping costs as low as possible for our members.

The competitive season at A1 Since Day1 FC is a year-round program. Registration fees cover the costs of our Elite coaches that were thoroughly picked with backgrounds in player centered coaching (which fit our curriculum), US Soccer/Association fees and insurance costs, administrative fees, league fees (SOCAL, CalSouth, CSL etc.), equipment, fields/facility usage fees, lights, referees, tournament fees, goalkeeper training program, select skills clinics, and speed & agility training. In addition to our coaching staff, we have a full-time administrative staff to oversee all club operations and provide customer service and support to all our members and teams.



  • Professionally licensed coach.
  • A Strong curriculum and year-round coaching education program for staff
  • Year-round training program.
  • Two (sometimes more) training sessions per week for 1 season with scheduled time off spread throughout the season.
  • Pre-Season Scrimmages organized by coaches.
  • Spring Friendlies/Scrimmages for all teams
  • 10-12 Fall League Games.
  • Referee & 3 tournament fees/team.
  • Friday Skills training & Speed & Agility Training either every other week or 1 week on 2 weeks off, depending on weekend schedule (player rest is important).
  • Multiple written player evaluations from your coach.
  • Access to college recruitment resources and full-time college liaisons for older players.
  • Learn life lessons through sport, build lasting friendships and have lots of FUN!


Coming Soon:

  • All 9v9 & 11v11 games will be filmed with Cameras (footage accessible to all players with a breakdown from coaches on positives and things players need to work on & improve, film study).


Season Fees:

We are one of the only club organizations in the valley that does not require an upfront deposit and includes tournament fees in their membership fees. For your convenience, the total fees can be paid over monthly payments (e-mail us for payment plan opportunities) or in full (since we are a first year club we would appreciate the 4 month payment plan or payment in full, this is so we can get into tournaments and pay fees, but we do have other options).

  • There are no finance fees for payment plans.
  • We don’t ask for late fees.
  • If we do raffles & fundraisers they are not mandatory, but they can go towards community service hours and college applications sometimes.
  • There are no refunds on membership fees.
  • Again tournament fees ARE included (3 per team *excluding little ballers)
  • Uniforms/training gear are not included in the prices below (*excluding little ballers).
  • The uniform cycles are three years with the new uniforms starting March 2027 and ending March 2030.
  • A discount on uniform/training gear is offered at registration for paying membership fees in full.


  • *Lil Ballers Program (U6-U7) – $160 (includes intro to soccer training with a licensed coach, 1 uniform, scrimmages, and a club like experience) 

         **(COMING SOON).**

  • 7v7 Programs – $1850 (Uniforms Included)
  • 9v9 Programs – $2150 (Uniform Included)
  • 11v11 Programs – $2600 (Uniforms Included)
  • ECNL, DPL-O, GA, MLS Next Prices Coming Soon.

We encourage that you tryout for other clubs, ask about their curriculum, strategies, tactics, philosophy, what’s included in their pricing (tournament fees, ref fees etc.) and if they REALLY are about the player.  Pick the best fit for your child (how many clubs are promoting this?). Our priority is to maximize potential in each of our players and we have a method to do so. We are here to develop and help your child grow while also instilling a passion and love for the game of soccer!

**Refund Policy**

Please contact Director as there are no refunds unless certain activities take place.

Meet The Coaches & Trainers

*DISCLAIMER* Some trainers have no affiliation with our organization, promoting them is just a service we offer to help all local trainers.

Coach Nate Guizzo

G2010 & G2012/DOC

Coach Joshua Lailson

President/Coach/Director G2013 & G2014

Victoria Lailson

Treasurer & Field/Scheduling Coordinator

Andrew Wheats

Keeper Coach/Coach

Partners & Affiliates