Afterschool Program


About Us

The Carmen Celina Afterschool Program at A1 Since Day1

The Carmen Celina Afterschool Program starts when regular school hours end. Activities will include, but are not limited to: arts & crafts, sports, games, reading time, homework help, tournaments, themed events (learning trades), physical fitness and specialized clubs. We take the belief that all children matter and deserve a chance to explore their own individual greatness. We strive to positively reach and impact all youth in the area and help them reach their full potential as respectful upstanding citizens, living a healthy lifestyle, helping them build good character qualities and giving them the help they need to move on to greater heights academically as well as athletically.

Great People Can Make a Difference

Carmen Celina Lailson Pino believed that all children mattered and that each individual child carries their own unique traits that make them special. Carmen Celina believed all children deserved an opportunity to find their own greatness whether it was through academics or another positive avenue. She was a hard working teacher at the Anne Sullivan Preschool in Wildomar, Ca. and these ideas she had, and instilled in her students and young children are what this Afterschool program stand on. She never had a problem making a child feel welcomed and valuable. Carmen Celina Lailson Pino was taken from us in early 2019, but we make sure that her positive mindset and strong morals and values for children still live on today!

Afterschool Program is Coming Soon