Organization/Player/Parent Agreement Form


     As a brand new organization, we want to instill positive values, not only for our organization, but for the players that choose our organization to enhance their athletic abilities and potential. We want to have clear and consistent communication between the organization, it’s teams, coaches, players, and the parents. This agreement will explain in detail the expectations of the A1 SINCE DAY1 CLUB & COMPETITIVE SPORTS PROGRAMS, its members and staff.  We hope to help identify some potential problem areas and at the same time answer questions about A1 SINCE DAY1’s decision making process.  As you have committed to become a member of A1 SINCE DAY1 (A1/D1), please take the time to read the following pages carefully.


   Members of the A1 SINCE DAY1 CLUB & COMPETITIVE SPORTS PROGRAMS agree to put the organization ahead of the team. When decisions are made regarding conflicts between the organization and a sports specific team, the organization will come first. The organizational decisions will be made by consulting with the CEO and the Complex/sports specific Directors. The decisions of the CEO and Directors will be final and without appeal.


    Members of the A1 SINCE DAY1 ORGANIZATION agree to put their team ahead of the individual athlete/player. If conflicts arise between the sport specific team, a player or parent, the team coach under the direction of the CEO and Directors will be responsible to make decisions for the good of the team. These decisions will be made after gathering all relevant information and consultation with those involved. The decision of the team coach will be objective and based on his/her best evaluation of the facts. Once a decision has been made it is final and without appeal. Players and parents must agree to abide with the final decision.


   Player performance will be evaluated by observing the player under the pressures of annual tryouts (5 day evaluation period), during seasonal practices, scrimmages and, especially, games.  Only the Program Director and the team coach(es) will consult in matters of player evaluation and selection. There are many terminologies used to categorize and describe all the different abilities for each individual sport. Present and potential team members will be evaluated in four areas.

The Four Areas of Evaluation:

  1. Mental and Physical Components in Defense and Offense (player’s work rate in defense and offensive situations as well as attitude)
  2. Physical Components in Defense (in most cases player’s speed, agility, quickness, strength, instincts, knowledge/understanding and more in defense)
  3. Technical Competence and Tactical Awareness in Offense (player’s skills, reading the game, routes, knowledge/understanding, runs, instincts and other abilities in offense)
  4. Physical Components in Offense (player’s sport specific/appropriate aggression and sport specific strengths in offense)

Our team coaches make decisions on player selections based solely on the coaches’ best judgment of the players demonstrating the highest productivity in the Four Areas of Evaluation (above) throughout the game, practice, tryout and sport specific training. This also does not stop throughout the season as players can move up or down the different levels or qualities of play we provide.  Priority will be given to the Mental and Physical Components because they are the foundation upon which the Principles of Defense and Offense for any respective sport achieve the highest productivity in the game of competitive sports (knowledge is power). If you have any questions about the meaning of these terms, please ask your team coach. Team coaches will base their decisions solely on the Four Areas of Evaluation and they are responsible to make decisions for the good of the organization and team. Politics, a parent’s position in the club, friendships, personal relationships, and financial contributions to the organization or team will NOT enter into a team coach’s decisions. Your understanding here is important; for just as A1/D1 players and parents are given the freedom to evaluate and select any organization without undue pressure, our coaches should have the same expectation of freedom to evaluate and select their sport specific players without undue pressure. We will not always agree on issues as sensitive as player evaluation and selection. We hope you will respect our attempt to be objective in these matters.


   Team tryouts will be held annually for players who meet the age requirements for the team in question. Each prospective athlete will be given an opportunity to make a team. The organization will announce team tryouts to inform the public of specific tryout dates and times for each specific sport. The team reserves the right to call off annual tryouts if the team coach determines tryouts unnecessary. If the team coach determines it necessary, additional tryouts may be held during the season at any time; qualified players not committed to any other leagues or divisions, team, currently entered in State, Regional, or National competition may be added to a sport specific team at any time. The tryout evaluation period may last from one to an indefinite number of evaluations, to be determined by the team coach.  Keep in mind that besides the tryout evaluation period, evaluations also take place during the respective competitive sports season (practices, scrimmages and especially regulation games). In order to avoid wasting anyone’s time, the team coach reserves the right to make decisions on selections after the first evaluation period or to ask certain prospects to remain after the announced tryout dates. Evaluations and selections will be based solely on how players perform in the Four Areas of Evaluation according to the team coach. No other criteria will be used to evaluate the player and any decision made by the team coach or Sports specific Director is final. During the tryout evaluation period please give us the consideration to inform us whether or not you plan to accept the offer to join the team if asked to do so. The Program Director will determine whether a player will play on a team above their age group.


   You are not under any pressure to join the A1/D1 organization. Instead, we hope that the player and his/her parents will consider all options and choose what will be best, taking into consideration the player’s goals and aspirations as a person, student, and athlete. Once you commit to join A1 SINCE DAY1, you agree to abide by the policies of the organizaton and your team. This commitment is for one full season only.  The different seasons begin during their sport specific season (coaches and directors will provide more information) and some are year round. At the end of the sport specific season your commitment to the organization is over and you are free to join another club/organization if it is in your best interest. At the beginning of the following sport specific season a player is again free to tryout under the conditions stated above. Remember, in the event you are rostered on a high level league team that qualifies for State, Regional, or National competition we expect you to fulfill your commitment to your team through the end of that competition, regardless of your status with the organization the following season. We expect our athletes and parents to be ethical and honest thereby honoring their commitments both verbally and written. With that said, you should make your decision thoughtfully and carefully.  Once your commitment is made, the A1/D1 organization expects your full participation and support for the entire sport specific season; even in the event team results, personal playing time, personal relationships, etc. do not meet your expectations and/or are not to your liking. Remember there is a bigger picture to consider besides the specific sport you chose to join, which is the conduct of a person as an honest and positive human being.  When you make your commitment, take into account the fact that our coaches may need to inform another potential athlete that they did not make the team. Please consider your decision carefully and be considerate. A1/D1 is committed to ethical and honest conduct. If you have committed to A1/D1, the organization will honor its commitment to you. No player will ever be released from a team during the sport specific season unless it is for disciplinary reasons or failure to fulfill your sports team financial obligations. In that event, the team coach will consult with A1/D1 administration in order to make decisions regarding the temporary suspension of a player. The club’s suspension decision is final.


   If there is a need and space is available on the roster, a youth A1/D1 athlete who demonstrates the essential levels with regards to the Four Areas of Evaluation may be given the opportunity to play for a higher tier A1/D1 team based on the decision of the A1/D1 coaching staff. The decision about whether or not to participate with the select A1/D1’s team will be left up to the player and parents. Players participating with a select A1/D1 team or another select team must consider in case of conflict that your main youth A1/D1 team has priority unless your team coaches in coordination with the Program Director decide otherwise.


   By signing the Parent Player Agreement, I grant permission to A1 SINCE DAY1 and its authorized representatives to photograph or film my child’s participation in all events pertaining to the team and/or organization. I further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed or digital materials used to promote A1 SINCE DAY1 MULTI-SPORTS COMPLEX & TRAINING FACILITY, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation.


   In order to promote organizational and team unity it is essential that all players be committed to wearing the designated UNDER ARMOUR uniform and colors (Royal blue, Lime Green, Light Grey, Jerseys & shorts) of the organization in its entirety during the season. All teams are required to wear practice gear as provided by the organization. Uniforms are not included in the team fee, they are purchased separately.  Any additional UNDER ARMOUR gear including warm ups and bookbags etc. are to be worn and used when applicable without exception.  WE MUST LOOK LIKE A TEAM, TO PLAY LIKE A TEAM.  These items are not to be substituted at any time. In keeping up with sport specific tradition, the uniform numbers range from #00 (for some sports) to #99.  Returning team members have priority for uniform number selection. A player joining an existing team from within the organization has second choice while a player joining an A1/D1 team from outside the organization has third choice. The uniform policy for A1 SINCE DAY1 Teams in their inaugural season is that each player will have the opportunity to select the jersey number of their choice. As a member of the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization, players are responsible for their own performance and conduct. Honesty, communication, and reliability will be EXPECTED AT ALL TIMES. A1 SINCE DAY1 requests that players care about themselves and their respective sport. This requires the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, a positive team attitude, along with a personal sense of sportsmanship and fair play. Use of drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes is not acceptable and may result in temporary suspension or even removal from the organization. A player is expected to conduct himself/herself in a respectable manner and positively represent the club on and off the soccer field.


   If an A1/D1 athlete is invited to guest on another A1/D1 team or on a team outside of the organization (in practices, scrimmages, regulation games, and or tournaments) please have the courtesy to first request permission from their sport specific team coach prior to accepting the invitation to guest play. Your A1/D1 team coach will have the final say about whether you have the permission to guest with another team. If there is a need and space is available on the roster, an A1/D1 athlete or athletes outside the organization who demonstrate the essential levels with regards to the Four Areas of Evaluation may be given the opportunity to participate with an A1/D1 team (in practices, scrimmages, regulation games, and or tournaments) based on the decision of the A1 SINCE DAY1 team coach. The decision about whether or not to participate with the sport specific team asking to borrow an athlete will be left up to the invited player and his/her parents.  Potential guest players who are members of another A1/D1 team or a team outside of the A1/D1 organization must consider in case of conflict the team loaning the player has priority unless the coach of the team loaning the player decides otherwise.


   During the sport specific season the team and its players participate in practices, league competition, tournaments, or other State, Regional, or National competition. The team coach will make decisions on player selection, game lineup, player positions, playing time, tournament participation, and team management. A player and his/her parents must be positive in fulfilling the role the player is asked to perform for the team at any moment, even if that role has them coming off the bench, playing a different position, not playing at all, or participating in team functions. From the designated arrival time at all practices and games, a player is expected to concentrate on their specific sport. Players must arrive on time with required equipment (shoes, proper team uniform, team warm-ups, sport specific ball, sports specific protective equipment, sports specific equipment, etc.) and be ready to practice or play. Since practicing and playing their best requires undivided attention, there will be no visiting between the player and his/her parents, family members, friends, pets or others (who might cause the player to lose focus on their respective sport) from immediately before the practice or game until dismissed by the coach. This includes half-time and the conclusion of games, when players are expected to hydrate, then immediately join the team and coach for game discussion or team adjustments. When necessary, the coach may ask a player or players to do hard physical workouts in practices or immediately following games. This should not be interpreted as a punishment but rather as a means to achieve a high level of fitness. When team responsibilities are over, the player is free to join family and friends. Hydration, nutrition, and rest are also part of the individual player’s personal responsibility as a member of the A1 SINCE DAY1 Organization. A player is expected to take in appropriate fluids, eat healthy nutritious food in a timely fashion so as to allow for digestion and therefore not interfere with performance. If a player has questions about which fluids and foods are best for performing athletes, please ask the team coach. Always take care of all injuries or any conditions that requires treatment. If you are not sure you require treatment, ask your coaches. Do not leave anything to chance. Follow up on all treatments when you are injured and always get taped when needed. Be sure to inform your coach of any feedback or treatment plans your trainer or medical professional give you. Rest periods between games may be spent with family members or friends if time and the team coach permit. However, the period between games is not to be seen as family time, vacation time, or a time to go sightseeing. There will be times when the team coach will require the team to stay together while waiting for the next game. At other times, the team coach may allow players to go with family members or friends. This decision will be left entirely up to the team coach and he/she is free to reverse any decision at any time if it is in the best interest of the team. Individual exceptions may be made on a case by case basis if the situation warrants but that decision as well will be left entirely up to the team coach whose decision will be final.


    During the course of the sport specific season, teams will participate in home/away games. It is a player’s responsibility to abide by the organizational travel code of ethics, and to arrange transportation to games. In most instances the player will be able to arrange travel in conjunction with other team members. In certain cases, the team may be taking trips which require the team to stay overnight. During overnight trips, all team members may be required to travel together, stay at a designated hotel and eat meals as a team.  A player’s family members will always be welcome to stay at the designated hotel (unless the host tournament specifies otherwise) or may be invited to join the team during team meals. Final decisions regarding team travel, including timing of arrival and departure to and from locations (hotels, restaurants, game fields, etc.) will be left entirely up to the team coach. Although under no obligation, there will be times when the coach may make individual exceptions and be flexible in the implementation of team travel rules. These decisions by the team coach will be made with the best interests of the organization and team in mind. The player and her parents are responsible for the cost of the player’s travel, accommodations and meals. The cost of the team coach’s travel, accommodations, meals and/or per diem will also be paid for by the player and her parents.


   During the course of the season the team may opt to play in a number of tournaments. The decision as to which tournaments the team will play in will be discussed at the team’s annual parent meeting. The parents may provide input as to the tournament schedule but the final decision regarding the team’s tournament schedule will be up to the team coach. The club provides the team with a tournament allowance. Any cost above and beyond the club allowance is the responsibility of the team. Tournament costs will be divided evenly amongst the registered players on the team regardless of an individual player’s attendance at the tournament.


   Parental support and involvement in the organization is essential. If your son/daughter is selected and chooses to commit himself/herself to the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization, parental commitment is also necessary. If a player is to make a quality commitment to the organization and his/her team, his/her parents must see to it he/she attends all possible organizational and team functions (practices, meetings, games, etc.). There will be times when scheduling conflict cannot be avoided and other more important events occur. A1/D1 requires your communication, planning, and understanding so we can minimize conflicts. It is the organization’s responsibility to present a periodic schedule to allow time for your planning. When a player or his/her parents have an unavoidable scheduling conflict the organization expects timely communication to see if the necessary adjustments can be made. The team coach in consultation with the Program Director will make final decisions on scheduling and adjustments after careful consideration of individual member needs and those of the club or team. NO SIDELINE COACHING! There will be no coaching by parents. No matter how good your intentions are, we insist there be no shouting instructions to your son/daughter or shouting (complaining) to officials during games. Your vocal support and positive encouragement are welcome after a good play. “Go” or “Shoot” are interpreted as instructions and as such are not desirable. It is important the players not be distracted at practices (parents and friends please stay off the designated practice area including the goal mouths) and during games. Players should only receive one set of instructions before, during, and after practices or games. For this reason, the organization insists the team coach be the only voice at all games and practices. No one other than those listed on the official game roster may sit on or near the team bench before and during games (please respect the space and privacy necessary for the coach and team to carry out their game responsibilities).  The club’s primary concern is for the long-term growth of your son/daughter as a person along with his/her sport specific abilities under pressure. There will be times a team coach may make decisions and players are instructed to do things parents will not understand. Organization, team, and player growth will sometimes be given a greater priority than results; especially in the years prior to high school. Parents must understand this and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a healthy team environment. Remember, playing only to win without taking healthy organization, team, and player growth into account will not result in a solid foundation upon which your son/daughter will be prepared for achieving positive results. Parents: always at the appropriate moment and time, feel free to communicate or ask questions about your son/daughter and their athletic growth. Please take the initiative to encourage your son/daughter to speak up and communicate for himself/herself whenever possible. Your coach should always express observations and views of an individual athlete’s performance through the Four Areas of Evaluation. A1 SINCE DAY1 believes in and instructs its players to understand the benefits of having Mental Strength and to apply that understanding to guide their intense focus on the game they play. We will instruct your son/daughter to ignore adverse conditions such as poor officiating, obscenities, rough play, weather, negative behavior by opponents or parents, and general poor sportsmanship directed at them. We expect our parents to have this same Mental Strength.


   Volunteer Requirements include running our Tournaments, as well as supporting other State, Regional, or National competition and other tournaments involving A1 SINCE DAY1 require thousands of volunteer hours annually. A1/D1 families are expected to provide 10-20 hours of volunteer service per year (depending upon participation in any State, Regional, or National competition) for such roles as field setup and breakdown, parking assistance, field marshals, concessions, cleanup and other responsibilities as needed. The A1/D1 tournaments will be expanding, and, in turn, all families are required to complete one full work shift at A1/D1 tournaments for their respective sport. Once fully established a plan/schedule will be migrated for all parents & programs. 


   The coaches for the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization are instructed to conduct themselves first as teachers and secondly as coaches for their sport. Nothing positive will come of organizational efforts if our players grow to become world-class players who do not know how to conduct themselves as positive successful human beings. In this regard you should expect A1/D1 coaches to conduct themselves as positive role models and provide examples of appropriate behavior. Our coaches recognize they are dealing in an important way with young people and cannot overlook the impact they have on players’ lives. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of the team on and off the field/court when the team is together and part of sport specific events. We insist our players are polite, well behaved, and respectful. Players and parents should expect honesty, communication, consistency, and reliability from the coach.  A1/D1 coaches & directors have helped facilitate the growth of numerous State, Regional, and in some cases, National caliber players, many of whom received college scholarships and play on top collegiate teams. The commitment the organization and Program Director make under no circumstance guarantees a player will be offered a college scholarship, or be considered for large State, Regional, or National team programs. The organization and team coach work to create an environment that facilitates growth thus enabling players to become as productive as their passion, effort, and physical qualities will allow. The Program Director and team coach are responsible for the creation of an environment where you can play quality, fun, and competitive sports. While the sport we play will be taken seriously the organization recognizes there are things more important in life than their respective sport. In terms of priority, family and school work come first. However, if the team coach determines a player is not willing to put his/her A1 SINCE DAY1 team above other recreational activities during the season it may affect the player’s Four Areas of Evaluation and therefore his/her playing time and/or status with the organization. As a member of A1/D1 we expect you to commit to A1 SINCE DAY1 and your respective A1 SINCE DAY1 sports team as your first recreational activity and priority during the sports season. Do not expect your team coach to praise everything you do well. After a period of time, there may be things the team coach comes to expect from a player. There are times when the team coach will say very little, and times when they may shout out instructions. There are times the team coach may be critical of players, and other times he/she will be generous with praise. The player and his/her parents are expected to take constructive criticism along with praise for a job well done and be able to deal with both. Your teams coach will be available to provide instruction in the players respective sport for 4-8 hours per team per week. During the later parts of the season instruction hours may go up due to tournament play (sometimes Saturday and Sunday) and other State, Regional, or National competition. The Program Director may attend games as the schedule permits, but conflicts will occur from time to time. The team coach will attend practices and coach the team during games. In situations where conflicts do occur, and they will, the team coach may designate another club staff coach to cover that particular practice or game with final approval of the Program Director. There will be times when the team is asked to be in charge of itself so that the team and its players grow in leadership, maturity, and responsibility. It is important for players and parents to understand that coaching in all team sports is often over emphasized. Once a player and his/her teammates reach a certain level of maturity in the Four Areas of Evaluation, they become more important to the team’s success than the coach.


   Our attempt with this agreement is to present in clear detail exactly what will be expected of you and what you can expect of the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization, the team, and the sport specific staff coaches. If you are uncertain what is expected, it is your responsibility to ask the team coach. Knowing and understanding these things, your participation will be positive for you as you grow to the highest level possible. A1 SINCE DAY1 has high expectations for our teams, our coaches, players and parents both on and off the field/court.  These expectations are really the rules, regulations, and policies for the entire A1 SINCE DAY1 organization and sports teams. So that players and parents in our organization can get the maximum benefit.  A1 SINCE DAY1 requires all to abide by these rules, regulations and policies. If disciplinary actions are necessary, the following steps may be taken: The team coach and/or Program Director will discuss the problem directly and privately with the player with the expectation the problem will be corrected immediately. If the problem persists the team coach and/or Program Director will communicate with the player’s parents to discuss the failure of the player to correct the problem. Parents will have the opportunity to be involved with the correction of the problem at this time. If the problem still continues, the Program Director and/or team coach may temporarily suspend the player. If the situation warrants, the Program Director/coach may recommend to the CEO & Directors that the player be removed from the A1/D1 organization. The Director(s)/coach will notify the parents of the CEO & Program Director’s recommendation. The parents of any player recommended for removal from the A1/D1 organization may request to meet with the Program Director and/or the CEO. There may be problems or circumstances that warrant the A1 SINCE DAY1 Program Directors and/or the CEOs need to take immediate action. The A1/D1 Program Directors, at their sole and absolute discretion, will determine which problems and circumstances will require their immediate action. Problems or circumstances may include, but not be limited to, member misconduct (whether player, parent, coach, assistant coach, official or officer). Should the A1/D1 Directors find the conduct of any member detrimental to the best interests of the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization or to the purpose for which the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization has been formed and/or to the interest of their respective sport, the A1/D1 Directors may take such action as they determine reasonable, applicable, and appropriate; including but not limited to suspension from or removal from the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization. Such action shall require the vote of a majority of the A1/D1 Directors, coaches & CEO. Our desire is to work in a positive and constructive way with our players. Everyone has problems from time to time and the organization will make every effort to work to help solve the problems we may have. After exhausting all effort to solve the problem, A1/D1 will be left with little choice other than to pursue disciplinary action as outlined above.


   A1 SINCE DAY1 families will have the option of paying the Player Dues in one lump sum or paying with an installment schedule. Payments can be made either by Credit Card or Debit Card. Payment by cash or check is not permitted. There are no other additional credit or debit card processing fees. All payments are processed through the Registration Portal.  All scheduled payments are considered late if not received by the date as noted on the Player Dues schedule. PLEASE NOTE: WHETHER OR NOT THE A1 SINCE DAY1 ORGANIZATION SENDS INVOICES, STATEMENTS, OR REMINDERS IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH FAMILY TO PAY YOUR DUES PRIOR TO THE DATE THEY ARE DUE.

Late Payment Fees:

   A $20.00 late payment fee will be assessed each time a payment is received past the due dates described above or noted on the Player Dues schedule.


   Any player is in default when payments are delinquent past 10 days. Any player in default for their team dues and team fees will be notified by the respective sport organization. Players who are in default will be prohibited from playing in any games, participating in any A1/D1 sport competition, and membership privileges will be suspended and / or revoked. Coaches of players in default will be notified and in some circumstances the player’s card must be pulled and that player is not eligible to play in games. In some cases the player card will be returned to the coach and the player’s eligibility for their respective sport will be restored after the player’s dues payments are again current. In addition, the A1/D1 organization will not release a player seeking a transfer request unless and until the player is current on all player dues owed to the date of the release request.

No Refund Policy:

   All player dues are non-refundable. No refunds will be granted to any player who drops prior to the end of their season commitment, except in the case of a player injury falling within the organization’s Injury Policy, as follows.

Financial Aid:

   Families facing difficulties in paying all or part of their dues may apply for financial aid within 10 days after the Annual Meeting for their age group. Parents will be required to fill out an application, present financial information and present their case to the CEO & Directors. The CEO & Directors, at their sole and absolute discretion, will either approve or disapprove the application at an organizational meeting during the month. If you are interested in applying for financial aid please contact Joshua Lailson at [email protected] to obtain a Financial Aid Application Form.

Term of Commitment:

   The season, which represents the term of commitment, begins with the signing of the player, which generally occurs at different points in time for each sport (To Be Established by the A1 SINCE DAY1 Organization), and continues until such time as the team has completed the post season tournaments such as State Cup, National Cup, or other respective tournament, Championship and / or Far West Regionals. All players must agree and are expected to fulfill their commitment to their team through the end of any such post-season competition, regardless of the player’s status with the organization the following season.  

Team Fees:

   A1 SINCE DAY1 provides each team with an allocation that is designed to cover the costs associated with league and post season play and a minimal amount towards outside tournaments. Individual teams may choose at the sole discretion of the coach to play in other tournaments incurring additional costs. These costs are shared by each family and are separate from Player Dues.

Team/ Parent Participation:

   Once established, all teams and / or families shall, at a minimum, be responsible for the following: Each Family is required to volunteer for at least one shift at home tournaments & events. Each player will participate in the annual A1 SINCE DAY1 raffle through the sale of raffle tickets as instructed on an annual basis and any other events hosted by the A1 SINCE DAY1 organization.

A1 SINCE DAY1 Players Receive:

   Each Player receives the following in consideration for their Player Dues: any league/league organizational Fees / Club Administrative Costs A1 SINCE DAY1 Tournament Fee and Team Fees as described above. Coaching / Training for all sports offered including but not limited to sport specific training, QB training, WR training, Goalkeeper Training for the Season and more.  A1 SINCE DAY1 may provide additional gear such as backpacks, warm ups, sweatshirts, etc. in a particular season however these items are not guaranteed as part of your Player Dues. Once we are fully established, participation in the College Advisory Program – CAP, college hosted tournaments, showcases and more will be offered for maximum exposure. Team Photo for tournaments, A1/D1 hosted events and Programs, or otherwise, is valued at a cost of $300 (once we are allowed to host).

Player and Parent Agreement to All Terms and Conditions:

   By completing the A1 SINCE DAY1 registration process and providing the documentation required to become a coveted A1 SINCE DAY1 Athlete the player and their families agree to be bound by the A1 SINCE DAY1 Organization | Player | Parent Agreement and shall in every effort uphold the high standards of the A1 SINCE DAY1 MULTI-SPORTS COMPLEX & TRAINING FACILITY.

PUBLICITY RELEASE AND CONSENT: Participant and Parent/Guardian consent to all recording, photographing and filming of Participant (the “Recordings”) and each agree that A1 Since Day1 can use these Recordings at any time and in any manner without payment to, or additional consent of, Participant or Parent/Guardian and release A1 Since Day1 and its licensee from all claims related to use of the Recordings.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RULES AND STANDARDS OF CONDUCT: I understand that A1 Since Day1 has rules and standards of conduct that are set forth on the A1 Since Day1 website. I agree to abide by these rules and standards for the safety of all participants, guests, and employees. Campers, minors and any participant trying out or further pursuing an athletic advantage using A1 Since Day1 will be provided with a copy of the rules and standards of conduct upon check-in.  Any consequences that come as a result of violating the rules and standards as defined by the website are at the determination of A1 Since Day1.  Any dismissal due to a rules and standards violation will not result in a refund.

PRACTICE FACILITY:  The undersigned below releases the property owner and the staff working on the grounds including coaches from any liability that could happen on the property during practices.  This includes, but is not limited to: any injury to players during practice, any injury to any person walking, jogging or running to the restroom, injury to any person walking, jogging or running to your car, children and siblings playing, walking, running or jogging on the property, sports balls hitting cars, etc. The undersigned will also be respectful of the property and be appreciative for the practice facility.


ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF UNDERSTANDING: Participant and Parent/Guardian acknowledge freely and voluntarily signing the agreement to participate and intend the signatures to signify a complete assumption of the inherent risks of participating in or observing activities at A1 Since Day1 to the greatest extent allowed by law in the State of California.

Participant and Parent/Guardian have read this Agreement and fully understand its terms. In signing this Agreement each acknowledges that he or she is consenting to the Participant’s participation at/with A1 Since Day1 as set forth above.